Sunday, 20 March 2011

Sixth Sense technology

Sixth Sense technology is the science of tomorrow with the aim of connecting the digital world with the physical world seamlessly, eliminating hardware devices. Mistry’s flirtations with the digital world began in the early 2000s when he pieced together four mouse rollers with pulleys and springs to give shape to a motion sensing device. This device interprets gestures made in the physical world and replicates them in the digital world.

MIT’s Pranav Mistry, the inventor of Sixth Sense Technology made a presentation at the TEKIndia 2009 meeting. Since then, interest in his work, boosted by a number of hugely popular YouTube videos, has skyrocketed.

A grad student with the Fluid Interfaces Group at MIT, he caused a storm with his creation of SixthSense.  He says that the movies “Robocop” and “Minority Report” gave him the inspiration to create his view of a world not dominated by computers, digital information and human robots, but one where computers and other digital devices enhance people’s enjoyment of the physical world.

The 6th sense consists of :

  • a pocket projector,
  • a camera and
  • a cellphone.

The projector is used to display the information about the object on any surface, the camera perceives the objects using computer vision based techniques. Both the projector and the camera are connected to the cellphone which acts like a computer and a hub for the information from the World Wide Web.

The true power of 6th sense lies in connecting the real life circumstances almost immediately to

the internet which gives all the relevant information to the user and allows him to make smarter choices. It has an enormous field of applications, right from choosing a brand for your shoes to giving your flight details, 6th sense may assist u in almost everything.

Pranav Mistry's Original Site 6th Sense Project

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