Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Blue Eye Technology.. World Goes To Bluetooth!!!

Blue eye is being developed by the team of Poznan University of Technology & Microsoft . The BLUE EYES technology aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings.
BLUE EYE consists of two separate words:-
Blue:- Bluetooth, which enables reliable wireless communication
Eye :- Because the eye movement enables us to obtain a lot of interesting and important information

How can we make computers “see” and “feel” ?
Blue eyes uses sensing technology to identify a user’s actions and to extract key information.
Information is then analyzed to determine the user’s physical, emotional, or informational state. 


This system is a flexible system. The “Blue Eyes” system consists of hardware and its software installed on it.
The hardware include in the blue eye system is central system unit. In the blue eye technology the Bluetooth is used for the communication and co-ordination in between two units. This system can be applied in every working organization which needs permanent user’s attention. This system provides monitoring and recording humans physiological condition.
This system is a project aiming to be a means of strain reduced driven by the latest technologies of studying the facial expressions for moderating of power of pressure handled. In totality blue eyes wants at adding perceptual capability which would end up in a free environment. And it can be applied in each working location requiring permanent user’s attention. This system uses sensing technology to recognize a person’s actions and information. The information is then examines the emotional, informational, and physical state of user.
The hardware parts of the systems are table having large display, and two cameras that place over the table, the camera having low-resolution for capturing human activities and high resolution cameras are use for still image capturing. In gives the permission for simple operation, while standing up. Number of people can easily group around the table and helps together in the mood board for the discussion.

Current Developments

1. Emotion Mouse

2. Sentic Mouse 

In the near future, ordinary household devices- such as television, refrigerators, ovens may be able to do their jobs when we look at them and speak to them.
Future applications of blue eye technology is limitless.

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